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Snowshoeing to Andesite Peak

In: Trail Notes
Andesite Peak

Super fun day today snowshoeing to Andesite Peak.  I was planning to do the trek last weekend, but with the storms rolling in, I decided to postpone it till this weekend.  Beautiful clear skiers.  It feels SO magical to be outside!  I could not ask for a better day like today! The climb to 8,219-foot Andesite Peak leaves from the same trailhead as Castle Peak and the Peter Grubb Ski Hut, and you can also find access to the Pacific Crest Trail.

Those who take the fork to Andesite will encounter much more solitude on this less-popular path and be rewarded with panoramic views of the Sierra from the peak. The route to Andesite is a climb from the beginning, with moderate ascents mixed with some respites of gently rolling slopes. It may be more appropriate for intermediate snowshoers, although there are many areas of gentle backcountry that are easily accessible from the trail and that are ideal for your own wanderings.


Plan your trip sensibly, keeping in mind your experience and physical condition. Remember that winter days are short and you may not be able to travel as far as you expect. Before you leave on a trip, let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll return. Keep track of others in your party. Always carry a map and compass and know how to use them. Unless you’re an expert with map and compass, stay on trails, which are indicated by markers on trees. Consider carrying a GPS unit, if you know how to use one. Get a weather forecast (209/372-0200)—then be prepared for the unexpected. Even on short trips, carry proper gear and food for an unplanned bivouac. Always carry and drink plenty of water. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.


Wear wool, fleece, or polypropylene—a wool or synthetic hat is essential. These fabrics retain some warmth even when wet. Pack a waterproof jacket. Carry quick-energy food, water, waterproof matches, a flashlight, and protection from the sun.


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